Banking and finance is a crucial component of Malawi’s economy. The professionals at DESTONE & CO. keep themselves abreast of the latest developments in this area of the law, and provide a wide spectrum of legal services in this industry. These include:

  • Advising on banking and financial markets law in general
  • Advising on bank security documentation and realization of securities
  • Advising on the structuring and assisting with the drafting and/or review of financial arrangements, project finance and related transactions, including public private partnership arrangements (PPPs)
  • Advising in relation to collective investment schemes, private equity and hedge funds
  • Hedge fund structuring, listing and related documentation
  • Advising on trading documentation including prime brokerage agreements and derivative documentation
  • Advising on investment management agreements, sales and distribution arrangements
  • Financing into and out of Malawi
  • Preference share finance
  • Public sector finance
  • Retail and wholesale financial services, including the Securities Service Act and the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act
  • Security structures (SPV’s)
  • Simple and syndicated loans
  • Structured finance

VIEW COMPLETED CASE EXAMPLES - Oil & Protein Limited v. NBS Bank PLC v. John Biziwik and another. Com Cause 308/2015